Thursday, August 28, 2008

Answering a meme?

When I asked "what is a meme?", I was told "it's kind of like a chain letter." Well I don't feel guilty any more about breaking a chain letter or any other kind of chain that's sent my way. I refrain (or try to) from sending anything on I get over the internet. My one weakness is the fun pics/videos of cats I send on to my daughter. Anyway I'll give this "meme" a try because my daughter in law tagged me.

What is your favorite faith-based hymn, song or chorus?

A hymn that stirs my soul is, When peace Like a River Attendeth.....the words are so rich with meaning. It is well, it is well with my soul. This line...My sin--Oh the bliss of this glorious thought, My sin--not in part but the whole, is nailed to the cross and I bear it no more--Praise the Lord, praise the Lord, oh my soul

What was the context, content and/or topic of the last sermon that truly touched, convicted, inspired, challenged, comforted and or otherwise moved you?

It was a exegetical sermon given by my son (I'm not just saying this because I'm his mom). It was about Abraham and his trusting God. In Genesis 15:6, Abram believed the Lord, and he credited it to him as righteousness. Satin wants us to doubt God and His goodness. It's ok to articulate this to God. Personally I like exigetical preaching. I was dismayed to read today the following....... . What a way to lead people astray.

If you could have all the Presbyterians read just one of your previous posts, what would it be and why?

Since I've just started blogging....why not read all three of them? Probably Facing our Mortality would be the one. This is something that is difficult to do and not particurlarly enjoyable...but what a difference it can make in our life as well as those around us.

What are three PC(USA) flavored blogs you read on a regular basis?

I read my son's (when he blogs....), my daughter-in-law's, and good friends, Jerry and Mary Hilton, Jerry was our Interim Pastor. I think Mary started blogging while in Wichita. I admire her (both of them really) and contintue to be amazed at their energy and enthusiasm for life. Check out their adventures.
As an aside I am reading more Presby blogs.

If the PC(USA) were a movie, what would it be and why?

With tongue in first thought is it would be a comedy or perhaps a fairy tale. If we were to go back in time and speak to those who have laid the foundations of our faith from Paul forward, what would their reactions be? Would John Calvin want us PC(USA) to throw a birthday party next year to celebrate his 500th birthday?

As for tagging anyone else out there I'll let any one of you take the challenge that would like to.


Adel Thalos said...

Hi Suzanne,

Lynne just received an e-mail about your blog and I just had to visit.

You have some terrific comments and I look forward to what else you might post.

It is well with my soul has always been a profoundly important and moving hymn for me as well, especially when we understand the situation of the writing of that hymn. The deep and moving theme of the substitutionary atonement of Jesus in that hymn always touches my heart.

Please come by my blog when you get a chance.

In the Grace of Jesus our Lord,
Adel Thalos

Suzanne said...

Thanks Adel for your comments. Hello to Lynne and your boys. I look forward to your blog.

Reyes-Chow said...

As the instigator of this particular meme, thanks for adding your voice to the chorus. Look forward to reading more from you! Bruce