Sunday, August 24, 2008

Facing our mortality

A good friend has said "you know you're getting older when you start going to funerals." We have been away for the last several months and while we were gone an unusually large number of acquaintances and friends passed away. In the two weeks we've been home several more have died. Some were expected due to age and specific problems and some were sudden. Faced with these deaths makes one, or in my opinion should make one, look at his own mortality, how he is living and what are the consequences of death.
We have known two couples over the years who have each lost a spouse to a catastrophic illness. Both couples had a living relationship with the Lord. They were told early on the terminal nature of their illnesses. Watching them both go through the process of living and thus dying was such a testimony to the power and grace of what God can and will do when we are submissive and living in His will. They grew closer to each other and to God. They were open and caring to friends and family letting them share in their fellowship and grief. They were able to speak about what is important in both life and death. They were showing those around them "how to die." What a privilege to be a part of their lives.
How would I act in a similar situation? I don't know, but I would hope I have learned through study, example, faith and the sure knowledge that God's grace is sufficient and He is sovereign over all. As the psalmist said, "Find rest, O my soul in God alone; my hope comes from Him." Psalm 62:5.


Barb said...

Excellent post!

Barb said...

great stuff.... would that everyone contemplated their mortality.

much love,