Sunday, October 12, 2008

ART....the eye of the beholder!

Would he approve of the candidate these people are wanting you to support?

 I don't think so!

Several weeks ago we headed north to see the 5th largest art fair in the United States. It is held annually on the County Club Plaza in Kansas City, Missouri. For a long weekend every September the streets on the Plaza are cordoned off to accommodate rows of tents, sound stages and restaurant kiosks. Art in all mediums is displayed.  It is great fun to stroll the streets looking at the wears and all the people.  Enjoy a little of what we saw!
Please forgive the lack of artistic display....i'm still trying to figure out how to do this! I give all the photography credit to my husband, John. Thanks, Honey,

1 comment:

Viola Larson said...

Those pictures are so much fun; I wish I had attended with you. Thank you Suzanne