Well today marks my little brother's 60th birthday. Kevin is the 'tall one' in the photo on the left. My other brother is Philip, he's 18 months older than than Kevin. Others in the photo are Phil's family except for the bearded one and he belongs to me. My sister in law is Christine. Their children are Justin (r) and his wife Lori and daughter Madison and their daughter Katie (l) and her husband, Ryan, and baby Jackson. Sadie has joined Madison since the picture was taken. You are looking at the end of the Ganzer family name at least from this line. Kevin has 2 daughters and Justin has 2 daughters. This picture was taken 2 years ago. As I was looking for a picture of Kevin I realized we're kind of like "the shoemakers kids who go shoeless." We have lots of pictures but not many of family. Guess we'll have to make some changes! Anyway I'm always glad when 'the boys' hit my decade. Not that it makes any difference but it does make me feel better. I try and think age is a state of mind and only occasionally a feeling in the body.
I welcome both my brothers to this decade and trust we all make it to the next!
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