Thursday, February 5, 2009

Time flies.....when you're having a good time!

Ummm....the title is an old adage and I'm wondering if time doesn't just fly as we age. I know I haven't blogged for awhile but did not realize I missed January. I want to catch you up...all two or three of you.  I still have my blackberry storm and I'm still learning. It hasn't gotten the best of me but I get very frustrated.  It is great being able to have email on the fly.  I know a lot of people who would not think being connected is so great.   Looking forward to friend returning the first of March to help me delve into its innards. Is a device like a blackberry going to help me "finish well"? Well, it might be a small piece of a much larger picture.  The way our world of communication is moving I want to have in inkling of what people are talking about, especially our younger generations.  Have you checked out Facebook?  I've been told I'm too old to be on facebook, I'm weird, I'm not a college student...those conments are to my face.  I'll leave Facebook to another blog.  There is a myriad of other vehicles 'out there on the web' and we need to be aware of them and be able to do some navigation.

Next item....remember 'my personal trainer' gift.  I been training now for about 6 weeks.  PDS is different than other places I've gone to exercise.  Check out their website.   Katy is my trainer.  She is an athlete in her own right and a patient motivator.  She guides, changes routines and encourages.  She has become a friend.   I asked John the other day "what happens if I get use to the personal trainer?"  His response was "I think it's a good investment".  Right now I plan to continue.  I am learning how to do some of the exercises on my own at home.  This too will help me "finish well."

1 comment: said...

No, you are not too old for Facebook. I am thoroughly enjoying it..and have friends from high schoolers to ones many years older than come be my friend on FB. I do enjoy your blogs--keep it up.